Where have you been?

Um hi. It’s been a while. Did this fall off my radar or become a point of frustration and procrastination? Maybe both. I’ve been doing some writing in other places, but mostly a lot of frustrated journaling and even more not writing at all.

It’s been an unusual few years since my last post here in *ahem* 2020.

Just imagine me throwing my arms around wildly and saying ‘life huh!’. We’ve run the gamut of all of life in our household since then, COVID-19 (duh), lockdowns, working from home, renovations, major MAJOR life changes for the young people in my life, major changes for me as well. Is that vague enough? Good.

Anyhow, let me tell you about some cool and interesting things I’ve read and listened to and watched in the last little while, there’s enough brain matter for that at least.

The Boys. This is the best TV show I’ve ever seen. Don’t think I sat still for an entire episode, it simultaneously scares the crap out of me and makes me shriek with laughter AND THEN cringe with disgust.

Everything Everywhere All At Once. If I never watch another movie, that will be ok because I’ve seen this chaotic, beautiful masterpiece.

Music That Doesn’t Sound The Same – hands down the one of the best playlists my ears and brain have ever listened to. Discovered on TikTok, listened to weekly. Big thanks Somewhere Soul. (Bonus playlist, his French Hip Hop playlist is EXCELLENT getting shit done music).

So that’s about it for now. See you in a couple of years??

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