Crying in the dark

My daughter and I went to see Wonder Woman tonight. So many feelings, even two and a half hours after we left the cinema.

Until I started to really consider my own feelings about feminism, I didn’t give much thought to female representation in films and on TV. I guess growing up there weren’t many cool, brave female role models apart from Princess Leia and I never gave her much thought. Because I was obsessed with doing everything the boys did, and if they loved Han Solo and Luke Skywalker and ignored Princess Leia, so did I. Damn. (And don’t worry once my teen years rolled around, my love for Princess Leia and her badassery grew exponentially!)

Now, as a 41 year old woman, I will readily admit that I cried tonight in the cinema. Several times. I cried tears of joy at seeing women being strong and brave and kicking arse. I cried when Wonder Woman was confused and strong and focused. I cried because it was a woman, front and centre on that screen. Damn it was good.

The movie and the tears.


2 thoughts on “Crying in the dark”

  1. Agree that it was amazing to watch. I was tense during the film, wondering if “they” would really let a woman be the main hero and save the day, and let her be brave and strong. And they did, and it was great!

    1. Oh yes I was tense the whole time for those reasons too! Am thinking I need to see it again because I’ll be more relaxed 🙂

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